Thursday, February 7, 2008

Your 4-month-old: Week 2

How your baby's growing:

By now, your baby may play with her hands and feet for a few minutes at a time. She's quite fond of doing one action over and over again until she's sure of the result. Then she'll switch things up a bit to see if the result is different.

Suddenly you'll realize it's strangely quiet in the bedroom and look in, only to discover that your baby, who until now has needed your attention for most of every waking moment, is amusing herself in her crib. You might be able to start reading the paper again — well, maybe just the headlines.

• Learn more fascinating facts about your 4-month-old's development.

Your life: Getting your partner involved

If you're the primary caregiver, it may feel like a reflex by now to step in whenever your baby starts crying. But it's a good idea to give your partner the chance to be the soother, too. Not only does this give you a break (which is huge!), it adds to his confidence level and provides bonding opportunities.

There are plenty of techniques you can encourage your partner to use, but it's also important to leave him room to experiment and learn on his own.

Remind your partner to assess the baby's needs (diapering, feeding, burping) and to fulfill those first. If crying continues, he can try to soothe the baby by holding her close, rubbing her back, or giving her some infant massage.

Many babies are comforted by gentle, rhythmic motion, which helps a parent feel like he's doing

Distraction is another popular method. He can try playing the entertainer with silly stunts, singing, and funny sounds and expressions.
something. Dancing, rocking, or swinging the baby may do the trick.

3 questions about: Pinkeye

What is pinkeye?
Pinkeye, or conjunctivitis, is an inflammation of the eye that can be caused by a virus, a bacteria, or an allergen. The membrane covering the whites of your baby's eyes and the insides of his eyelids (called the conjunctiva) becomes irritated. As a result, his eyes may look watery, reddish, or crusty from dried eye discharge (which can be white, yellow, or green). They may even be stuck shut in the morning. One or both eyes can be affected.

What should I do if I think my baby has pinkeye?
Call your baby's doctor immediately. He'll need to examine your baby's eyes and will recommend specific treatment depending on the cause. It's also important to wash your hands often, especially before and after you examine your baby's eyes, to avoid spreading the infection. Pinkeye is pretty contagious, so beware of contracting it yourself. Keep your baby home from daycare and playgroups, and wash all bedding, washcloths, and towels frequently.

What's the treatment for pinkeye?
If the cause is bacteria (bacterial conjunctivitis), your baby's doctor will prescribe antibiotics, usually in the form of eyedrops or ointment. If the cause is a virus (usually the case when your baby also has cold symptoms), he may recommend diligent — but gentle — cleansing of the area with a warm washcloth and waiting it out for about a week. If the cause is an allergen, he'll work with you to identify the source, which you'll then need to eliminate from your baby's environment as soon as possible. Special eyedrops may also be recommended.

Sometimes a blocked tear duct causes crustiness and makes your baby's eyes vulnerable to infection. Depending on the nature of your baby's case, her doctor may suggest tear duct massage or lukewarm compresses to help unclog the duct. If the tear duct remains blocked, he may refer you to a pediatric eye doctor. In rare cases, outpatient surgery is needed for a duct that remains blocked for a long time.


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