Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Your 6-month-old: Week 3

How your baby's growing:

Soon your baby may let you know that he's ready to try eating finger foods by grabbing the spoon you're feeding him with or snatching food off your plate. Scatter four or five pieces of finger food onto your baby's highchair tray or an unbreakable plate. (To reduce the risk of choking, have your baby eat while sitting upright in a highchair rather than reclined in a car seat or stroller.)

Your baby may have a good appetite but not many teeth, so start with foods that he can gum or that will dissolve easily in his mouth. As he grows you'll be able to give him bite-size pieces of whatever you're eating.

• Learn more fascinating facts about your 6-month-old's development.

Your life: Taking time for yourself

For most new moms, the last priority on the list is the item called "me." Baby care, holding down a job, and running a household all tend to come first. But making yourself a priority is important because if you don't, running the rest of your life is all the more difficult. It's like trying to operate a car without gas.

Since you can't add hours to your day (or night), try reassigning the ones you have. Ask yourself what you can let go of. Are there volunteer positions you might take a break from, for example? Another way to find time is to figure out ways you can save minutes on day-to-day activities. Cook a few times a week in larger quantities and freeze leftovers for later meals. Buy ready-made meals at the grocery store on occasion. Don't worry if the neatness of your home isn't up to your previous standards, and ask for help (and accept offers of help) if you need it.

Teamwork can really lift some pressure off you. Baby care is the obvious place to look into dividing chores.

Schedule in one activity on a regular basis that's just for you — an exercise class or lunch with a friend, for example. Then learn to make the most of any break you get by making a list of any "me" activities you miss (reading, knitting, Web surfing) and fitting them in here and there.

Reach out to other parents and find out how they've managed to save time and make their lives easier, too.

3 questions about: Emergency room visits

What are some reasons my baby may need to go to the emergency room?
While the odds are pretty good that your baby will make it through infancy without a trip to the ER, this is one area where it's best to be prepared "just in case." Among the reasons a baby may need immediate medical attention are a severe allergic reaction, an intestinal blockage, or a serious asthma attack. Also, as your baby becomes more curious and mobile, he could swallow or inhale an object or fall and get a concussion or a cut that requires stitches.

If your baby has trouble breathing for any reason or goes into anaphylactic shock or seems to have a concussion (he's listless after a fall or his head is dented rather than showing a raised bruise), call 911. For most other emergencies you can call your baby's doctor first. If you're not sure, however, don't hesitate to take your baby to the emergency room.

How can I prepare for an emergency room visit?
Before an emergency ever occurs, know where the nearest ER is (ideally, at a pediatric hospital) and the route you'd take to get there. Emergency staff will ask you to fill out some paperwork, so it's always a good idea to keep your health insurance information and the name and number of your baby's doctor handy.

How can I help comfort my baby during the visit?
Show your baby that you're calm and have things under control (even if you don't really feel that way). Physical reassurance is important, too, but try not to overdo it. Your baby may only need a little comforting, and more attention may make him anxious. Bring your diaper bag with diapers, a change of clothing, some of his favorite books or toys, and food for one or two feedings. When you check in, ask whether there's any reason not to feed your baby while you wait (you might have to wait longer for a particular kind of X-ray, for example, if your baby has just been fed).

source: babycenter


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