Sunday, April 13, 2008

Your 10-month-old: Week 2

How your baby's growing:

At this age, your baby can sit confidently and may even walk while holding onto furniture, possibly letting go momentarily and standing without support. She'll take steps when held in a walking position and may attempt to scoop up a toy while she's standing, too.

Those magical first steps toward independence — and lots more exercise for you! — are just around the corner, if they haven't arrived already. Most babies take their first steps sometime around 12 months, but some start much earlier. If yours isn't walking yet, don't worry — it's still early. Some babies wait until they're 18 months old to make that move.

• Learn more fascinating facts about your 10-month-old's development.

Your life: Family traditions and celebrations

When you were growing up, what did your family do at Christmas, Hanukkah, or other holidays? How did you celebrate birthdays? Did family meals begin with a prayer, or did you do something special in the summers? Starting a family often makes couples think about the rituals they grew up with, and how they can create their own. Even if your baby doesn't completely understand or appreciate them yet, repeating those rituals will contribute to a feeling of security, togetherness, and family pride.

Don't feel like you have to choose among the rituals you and your partner's families observed when you were growing up, especially if you'd have to choose one family's cherished tradition over the other's. Building rituals can be more meaningful if you come up with original ideas or personalize existing ones. Try thinking about activities your family enjoys and create rituals related to them.

Rituals can be small and frequent, like reading a book at bedtime or taking the dog for a walk after dinner. Or they can revolve around holidays and special events. Be careful when it comes to holidays, though — your baby may become overstimulated and anxious with all the decorations and activity, so make sure you build in ample time for her to take a break and relax.

3 questions about: Insect bites and stings

What should I do if my baby is stung?
Most stings are annoying but not life-threatening, unless your baby turns out to be allergic to the venom in the bug. Follow these steps:
  1. Remove the stinger by scraping, not pulling.
  2. Wash the area with soap and water.
  3. Relieve pain with an ice pack for 15 minutes, or try calamine lotion or a paste you can make from baking soda and water. Ask your baby's doctor before giving your baby pain-relieving medications.
  4. Call the doctor if your baby gets diarrhea or a fever, vomits, or if swelling increases after 24 hours. You should also call the doctor if the area around the bite shows signs of having become infected, such as increasing redness, pain, or swelling.

How can I tell if my baby has an allergic reaction?
Anaphylactic shock as the result of a sting is fairly rare, occurring only if your baby is allergic. Of course, you can't really know this until a sting occurs, which is why it's a risk to be aware of.

If your baby is allergic, she may have trouble breathing or may start wheezing. She may vomit, have abdominal cramps or a flushed face, appear dizzy, or develop a rash or swelling (look at her tongue, hands, and face). Your baby may also be in shock if she seems confused or sleepy.

If your baby has an allergic reaction, call 911, have her lie down, calm her, and cover her with a blanket.

How can I prevent bites or stings?
You can't eradicate all bugs that bite and sting, and you don't want to keep your baby indoors all the time. But you can use a baby-safe insect repellent and dress her in long sleeves and pants that are white or light-colored — which is less attractive to bugs and also makes it easier to spot ticks and insects — when she's going to be outside (don't forget socks). Be careful when eating outdoors, especially in areas with a lot of bugs, and avoid scented products like creams and soaps.

source: babycenter


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