Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Your 3-month-old: Week 4

How your baby's growing:

When placed on her stomach, your baby will probably lift her head and shoulders high, using her arms for support. This mini push-up helps strengthen her muscles and gives her a better view of what's going on. She may even amaze you (and herself!) by rolling from her back to her front, or vice versa.

You can encourage this rolling skill through play: Wiggle a toy next to the side she customarily rolls to in case she's interested enough to try again. Applaud her efforts and smile. She may need your reassurance, as this new skill can be a little frightening.

• Learn more fascinating facts about your 3-month-old's development.

Your life: Leaving your baby

It's normal to feel pangs of anxiety even when leaving your baby with your parents or a trusted babysitter. Feeling a bit nervous about separation from your little one is a sign that you're concerned and caring.

That said, it's not a good idea to consistently give in to your worries. The need to keep your baby safe with you should be weighed against other realities, such as your mental health (taking breaks from your baby can be good for both of you), your need to bring in income through work, and your baby's need, over time, to learn to get along with others. A babysitter can be both necessary and valuable.

If you've never hired a babysitter, ask for references from other parents you trust. Once you've found someone, ask her over and have her sit with your baby while you do household chores. That way you can observe how she interacts with your child. Limit your first trips away from the house to quick shopping errands. When you leave the house, try not to let your apprehensiveness show. If you seem nervous, your baby may pick up on that, making separation harder for both of you.

3 questions about: Chubby babies

What if my baby looks fat?

Obesity has become the health buzzword of the day. While it's unhealthy for anyone to carry too much fat, your baby's doctor is unlikely to be very worried if your baby is chubby. Some babies are born plump, others grow that way — but not because they have an unhealthy diet and don't exercise. It's because they haven't developed much muscle yet. This kind of baby fat isn't likely to stay with your child as she grows.

Should my baby go on a diet?

No. First, your baby's doctor will check to see whether your baby's weight and height are within the guidelines for her age. If she's too heavy, it's likely your doctor will simply watch to see how she grows. It's pretty rare for a doctor to be very concerned at this age, especially before solids have been added to a baby's diet.

Does this mean my baby will always have weight trouble?

No. A plump baby does not foreshadow an overweight teenager or adult. Many big babies slim down once they begin crawling and walking. They simply store their baby fat differently. As your baby grows, you can keep her fit and healthy by encouraging floor play. Feed her only when she's hungry, and avoid using a bottle to calm her when she's upset or stressed. Instead, offer her a toy or love and kisses.

source: babycenter


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